Monday, August 17, 2009

Altered Art Projects

Some of these have already been seen in some of my previous posts and some are new. These pieces are just little things that I have made using mixed media.


I love these little ladies!!!! I buy them at Michaels, and let my imagination run wild!!! The possibilities are endless!

"Pen Cup"
I bought the cup from Michaels, then sealed decorative paper around the perimeter with mod podge, I then hot glued ribbons, letters, mirror tiles, little clips to clip reminders to, etc!

"Party Hats"
I LOVE to make party hats!! These two are nothing specific, just cute!!! I also buy the cones at Michaels, then I painted them, added paper scraps, glitter, flowers, etc. These are really fun to make for birthdays and special occasions as gifts. My favorite that I have done was one for my sisters graduation!