For any holiday I like to give special and meaningful gifts. Something that is straight from the heart. So when fathers day rolled around this year, a lightbulb went off in my head- A Book Of 20.
What this is a book full of 20. Twenty songs that remind me of my dad (lyrics and burnt cd included), twenty quotes that remind me of my dad, 20 movies, 20 things I love about him, 20 pictures, etc. I wanted to make it personal and artistic all at the same time.
Here are a few pictures I had time to take, I wish I could have got more!
The shell of the book is a cardboard book that I found at Michaels. All I did was cover it in decorative paper and seal it with mod podge. I then added the painted title and ribbons.
This is how the book opened and closed. The latch is made of copper wire wrapped around a vintage earing.
It is hard to see inside at the books contents. I wish I had taken more pictures. What you do see though is the tag, the envelope made of cardtstock and ribbon that holds the 20 pictures and the front page of the music section.
This is the altered tag in the book, I just thought it looked nice in it. All I did was take a blank tag, glue some cordinating paper on it, the "dad" is made of some vintage inspired stickers, the words read (starting from top) "To my wonderful dad, whose understanding and compassion touch me so deeply." These I just cut out of a book. The red in the middle is a sliver of glass, and then the pearls came from my own stock of beads.